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No, I WON'T Dance to Anything...

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...Except "Instant Club Hit (You'll Dance To Anything)" by the witty and exciting and slamming Dead Milkmen which will probably conclude our poke fun at hipsters/art students/other assorted people week. So why is this one so great? For one thing you can totally dance to the first half of it, trash and scream and let it out for that nice little burst of noise interlude, and then go back to dancing to it till the end. And you'll get a chuckle out of the end. Oh yes. In fact, most of us will be chuckling during the verses, too. The Dead Milkmen has got killer rhyming skills and a killer beat. Plus, I love the female backing vocals echoing the singer's insanely cool speech/song. That isn't enough? There's also name dropping of danceble (well, semi danceble) and artsy bands (The Smiths, anyone? How about De-peche Mode?). I mentioned the cleverness of the lyrics, right? You guys know we love that. Possibly my favorite line: "Eighty pounds of make up on your art school skin, eighty points of IQ located within."

And now, a report on the happenins of next week. Will there be another theme? Possibly. Will there be ranting on subject no one cares about? Possibly. Will there be a mix of all the sexy music yours truly listens to? Possibly. Will there be MP3s you won't want to erase from your hard drive? Definitely.



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