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What can I say about this amazing statement from the world's 579th-greatest rapper MC Frontalot? Well. It's nerdcore. This song is about indie. It has a bass line in it. It's entertaining to listen to and nod your head along to and maybe singalong to if no one's around. It's from this CD, and this CD is called Nerdcore Rising. Apparently you can also buy some trendy nerdcore glasses and Mr. MC Frontalot's real glasses. Hmmm.

Oh, I haven't actually posted the song yet, have I? Well, here you go. It's great. Go listen to it and appreciate the fact that he's indier than thou. Here's an idea of how great it is. The first line is...are you ready? Ready? Really? Okay. The first line is..."I'm so indie that my shirt don't fit." OMG ROFL!!!1

And now the post feels too short. I want to write blubber for this song but it's so self explainatory it hurts. Have I convinced you to check it out yet? DO IT. NOW.



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