You Will Surely Find This Pleasing to Your Ears (Live)
Published Saturday, November 25, 2006 by Laura | E-mail this post
Mates of State @ Epicentre, San Diego--11/25/06
First band-expected vaguely pleasant indie pop.
Asobi Seksu-Raw and lovely and awesome. Much noise, much fuzzy guitars, much energy. Much long last song that probably overdid it--mostly because of the crwod. the crowd at the Epicentre is usually not the best. Lacking in enthusiasm because of the noise, I'd imagine, and lacking in energy to move for fear of spoiling their precious hair and Abercrombie faux-hipster outfits, I'd imagine.
Mates of State-Happiness, love, indie pop, cuteness, etc.
But not like that, not really. Something here. Something beyond the dancey indie pop, something beyond the sweet romantic couple odes one might have imagined, something with a perky edge. Something loud and catchy and--I don't know. All of that, but something different. Because it's not as romantic or super twee as one might have imagined. But it is good. Good is positive. Good is singing along. And loving it.