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1. Happy halloween, and whatnot.

2. Remember how I wrote a 110,000 words novel in less than a month last year? Well, it's happening again. And in case you don't know, it's this thing called National Novel Writing Month. The winning word count is 50000, but my goal this year will be 150,000. So triple the original. Plus school and going to shows and reviews and this blog. So of course, starting from tomorrow, expect less well written/time consuming posts, less frequent posts and um, more frustration? The scary part is that I still have no clue as to what my novel will be about. And this starts tomorrow.

3. Anyway, I'll be doing the ocassional book update blog on my special little NaNo blog again, and if you drop by to see how much my fingers have bled from excessive padding typing, please do say hello!

4. Yay. Have an happy Halloween!



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