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If I Skip to Hit Snooze

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I'm From Barcelona-Oversleeping

This is the song to set as your alarm in the morning. And there are a couple of reasons why that is. A really important reason is that it actually features alarm beeping sounds at the beginning of the song, therefore simulating an actual alarm experience without having to sit through the repetative beeping. Another reason is that it's about hurrying to make it in time. Another reason is that it suggests within its catchy, repetative lyrics that, should you not get up immediately, upon hearing this song, you'll have to skip to wear clothes, skip breakfast, and run to make it in time. Another reason is that it's really short, so that if you told yourself you'd get up upon the end of the song, that end comes really soon. A bad part is that such a catchy, glittering thing will end really soon. But that's all really a part of its appeal, isn't it?



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