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The Mountain Goats-Get Lonely

I was startled out of my paper crafting when I heard this song. The acoustic guitar and John Darnielle drifting from my computer, singing, with this aching sadness. And when the chorus came, that rush of emotions, honesty, I froze. And listened to the song, again, from the start, and again. To soak it in.

This is a song for cold winter nights. For sitting alone, in your car, in a deserted parking lot. And for glazing up into the perfect slice of half moon and the stars around it. This is a song to feel. To feel the chilly night wind brush against every inch of your skin. To feel the silence, the stillness around you. Like you're the only one, the last one alive in the world. And it's just...you, and John Darnielle, and a guitar, and those fuzzing, trembling strings.

This is a song for tears. No--not tears, but a teardrop. A crease of pain staining a perfect face. This is a song for broken hearts, for shattered promises, for losing hope. This is a song for that aching, binding emptiness. This is a song for the beauty in loss. A song for the rain, for heavy clouds, for a slow, walk through a fog, a mist, a haze of sorrow.

This a song to hear--alone. Still, attentive, waiting, and understanding.



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