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Watch: Camera Obscura-Lloyd, I’m ready to be heartbroken (Real Player Media)

The picture is in fact not a still from the video, but a photo of Camera Obscura. Why, you ask? Because, really, the "official" still does nothing to showcase the pure joycore frenzy of the video and the song, and the whirls and blurs of motion radiating from the dancers in the video can't be captured by a mere Print Screen button.

Oh Camera Obscura, what have you done? I think you've achieved a rather perfect indie pop semi ironic always catchy and spilling wonderfulness state of music videostardom. That is to say, there is nothing not super fantastic about the leaping, perfect musical styled 60's perfect couple dancers, the bright, bouncing colors and backdrops, tall white socks, Repro Depot fitting fabrics flashing behind, the Target ad perfect furniture, oversized collector's toy and the constrast of the solemn, classic indie pop girl singer's slightly heartbroken expression. Watch. This is what joycore is made out of.



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