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Book Talk 22: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

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The novel: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close-Johnathan Safran Foer
The song: Neko Case-That Teenage Feeling

Neko Case is one of those artists I want to dislike (and in someways do, as in her snobby interview with snobby Pitchfork), but after a few listens, her voice crawls and snuck in my head, and as you know, I'm a helpless pop whore and alt-country avoidant, but with such beauty and genuine story telling skills that dislike becomes near impossible. I might not agree with her philosophy, and there are times/songs when I can only marvel at the pleasing to listen to but unremarkable quality of the music, but this song...this song is worthy cherishing, worth wrapping into a bandana and slipping away to the medows, to a pond and unwrapping it in tiny pieces, savoring the ripples of the song, matching the gentle pushes of the sea.

This book is a delicate and wonderful piece of fiction. The story is that of a nine year old boy, Oscar, who goes on a quest to find the lock of a key his father, who died in 9/11 left behind. While the crafted cast of characters he meet to find clues for his keys are marvels to start, his innocent outlook on like and the style of the novel, sprinkled with letters from/of his father and grandfather, spinning parallel stories and even more emotional wonders. The snippets of humor and wild occurances add more entertainment, and it's a great book, by any standards.



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