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Apologies for the late post. Blogger was down most of yesterday evening, and I spent about three hours at the doctor's, waiting for a visit that lasted less than five minutes about an allergy problem. Anyway, that's my excuse. Also, I was trying to put together my "best of 05" list and that takes a whole bunch of time. Even if it might be wasted effort, at least I have effort to waste.

Also, I feel like stepping away from this music thing for a while once I realized that it's getting rather similar and predictable, don't you think? (Don't worry, I'm not leaving or plan on stopping music posts) I just feel like switching gears for a bit and talking about the rest of the universe.

And by that, of course, I mean books. In the waiting room I managed to finish The Virgin Suicides by Jeffrey Eugenides. It wasn't a fun experience. I mean, it had started off sounding rather interesting, then, it died out. The sisters who kill themselves all sound the same, despite his obvious attempts at differentiating them. Moral lessons, lost innocence, and all. Blah, is all I can say. Maybe I'm just not deep enough to appreciate this sort of literature. I'm perfectly fine with my daily doses of Stephen King, thank you.

Speaking of Stephen King, apparently the Dark Tower Series will be turned into comic books with Marvel comics. That sounds insane for seven books increasing in length. Kind of like Harry Potter but with more blood and darker characters. I'm not sure how well the books can translate to graphic form, but the pictures of the content looks totally great.

Speaking of art, Kill Margot is the face/artist behind that cool header you see over at the tres cool Stereogum. She does wonderful and unique stuff that looks pretty damned awesomely hipster.

Speaking of hipster, I'm going to leave off on that note. Because it's getting rather late again and this post needs to be up, like, now. <3



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