Stars-What I'm Trying to SayFor some reason, I've pretty much forgotten all about
Set Yourself On Fire until now. And now I'm obsessed with the album, and this song flows so perfectly together. From the first line (which is beautifully and cleverly done, really, really indiepoptastic) to the layered, classic
Stars instrumentals near the end. It's wonderful. And perfect for the situation.
And, on a totally too important side note, remember that
novel I'm writing this month? Well I just wrote 100,000 words, which translates to 322 pages, Times New Roman, double spaced, size 12 font, which translates to the most amazing novel ever written in a period of 23 days, which translates to I'm in a state of bliss right now and you should tell me how great I am. And that shall be all. Heed the song. Heed the words.