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Clawjob-Space Pass

So Sufjan's got his states project, Bishop Allen's working on that EP per month thing, and Clawjob manages to release an astonishing rock opera featuring a whole story line about students in Space School, featuring an actual narrative, characters, a variety of vocalists, instruments, and really, really great music to go along with it as their debut.

...what is the world coming to?

Whatever it is, I'm totally in love with it. This is like a great story and album in one, and if it also fulfills the popist's unnatural catchy and bouncy and fantastic constant listening requirement, which means that even though the album is great as a whole, the individual songs are plenty great to listen to, as well. The sci-fi-ish bleeps and effects add on the story presentation, but also to the song itself, along with the swipes of snappy guitar riffs and fun lyrics (which applies even without space and such bizarrities, is that a word?). And also, the unintentional (I'm guessing) fact that "My Space pass" kinda makes "Myspace Pass" is funny...Listen and love.



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