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Book Talk 30: JPod

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The novel: Jpod-Douglas Coupland

I like Douglas Coupland. You know, I really, really do. I might not like him as much as some other authors, but I like his self referencing, a million pop culture snippets within a few pages, post-post-post modern style, general bizarrities, and the fact that he's a character in this very book. It's just such a funny little thing to do, and I always wondered, if I tried to write myself into one of my own stories--what would happen? I noticed that writers who do that tend to have their characters dislike them. A lot, as was the case with Stephen King and the last Dark Tower book, and of course, JPod.

And really, I liked this book. The pages and pages of what some would consider "useless" information (I mean, yes, it does take up a lot of pages. But still.) like snippets from spam, the digits of pie up to a ridiculously high number, a large number of prime numbers, all sorts of randomness sprinkled in...it's just, you know, not his best work. It's charming and a lot of fun to read and flip through, but the stroy itself is a little lacking. Hilarious, unrealistic things happen--such is the appeal of many Coupland books, and his characters, as usual, are your expected twentysomethings, totally tech savy and with insane personalities and traits, but I mean, despite the obvious, insane plot points, not a whole lot happens...which is okay, when you need something to entertain and catch all the references and feel special about, and it's a good, different thing after Michael Chabon. Just--Play again? Y/N

I really would not know.



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