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Pop Culturisms

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So I'm reading a collection of essays by David Foster Wallace right now, and I think this is the first time I've ever read essays for enjoyment, but only because it's David Foster Wallace and I hear so many great things about him that I'll try something new, and I'm so glad I did because he's an amazing writer. And I'm not just saying that, like, you know, wow, he's an amazing writer. He makes me realize just how much I adore words and what he can do with them is inspirational. It's all these little details, the way he shapes figurative language and the style of his writing--anything from thought provoking formal critisms to hilarious travel logs, and (I'm going somewhere with this...I promise) I'm now very, very inspired to try my hand at some more of those pop culture nit picks I used to do (see: "Art of Femo" for an early example), except, better, right?

So...hopefully you guys won't mind. There will still be shiny MP3s and awesome music and the like (which, by the way, I need a little time to sort out and which I'm still totally open to recieving because the more, the better the selection, and better posts and ect.)



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