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Stellastarr*-Love and Longing

I don't know what the hell it is about Stellastarr* that makes them sound, feel, exist like the way they do. Maybe it's that * at the end of the their name that throws everything off...but it's probably more like their sound, with that Gothy-post-punkish darkness, but with a strange, David Byrne-ish strange vocalist, and Stars like undertones. At some point a year or so back they were all the rage on the radios--and maybe across the blogs, but it really doesn't look like it. They've got the sort of semi-glammy-alternative-indie hard to classify thing that should have all the NYC bloggers jumping, and yet, somehow, they're missed. Anyway, because they were so hot in San Diego that while back, and because I have a soft spot for cutesey *'s on the end of their name, I feel like I should be allowed to give them some love. This probably isn't the best write up ever--but hey, it's that sort of crazy Friday.



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