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Ursula 1000 (ft. Izumi Ookawara)-Kaboom!

You never thought a song featuring onomotopeias and exclaimations could amount to anything that worked, did you? You never thought that seemingly random words squeezed together could make anything resembling a real, listenable, let along, pure, unaltered, 120% dance electronica pop fun and non-stop entertainment, did you now?

Of course, this song is everything like that. Adding in the random beeps, boops, sound effects, pop-ness, there's the ridiciously dancable drums and enough energy to light up a factory.

Since, of course, Fluxblog already posted "Urgent/Anxious" (and you should definitely, as in, 100% get that song, I'll avoid another write up.

From the forthcoming album from Ursula 1000.



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songs + words

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