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Stars in Coma-A Lifetime of Pent-Up Sadness

I think I may have to get into Swedish music more often. It's almost always so damned sweet and innocent, and blissfully un-self conscious, and wonderfully pop. DIY indie pop may not be the most obscure thing you'll ever heard, but sometimes a jangling melody and fluttery lyrics, echoes and fading bells and longing acoustic guitar, sometimes that's all you need on a fresh spring morning. Add on the non-obstructing catchiness of the song, the general sense of happiness and evasive sorrow all crushed and blended together into a fluffy sort of track, and that's exactly what Stars in Coma fill you with. It's tough to hear that this is a solo project, and a wonderful, wonderful one at that.

Check out the Velvet Mountain EP, with all the songs available to download from Molokini Records. Too much, too good.

(Thanks, Hello! Surprise! for getting me all giddy about another country's crazy underrated stars...no pun intended ;) )



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