POP your heart out.

I am a horrible person

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Yes, I am. I realize my horribleness...and I apologize it. And the worst thing is that I still don't have an actual update today. But I can tell you what's been going on that so distracted me from making even one lousy post...

Well, actually, I don't have a real excuse. But listen, I have recently brought an iPod, and that means...perhaps, just perhaps...easier uploads and maybe even playlists! Not that it matters much.

I guess another lousy excuse would be school and everything about it. Speaking of which, I had the oddest dream in which a mass murderer murdered a bunch of people...but that is of no real importance. So I figure I better shut up now. But wait, I almost forgot to say the whole point of school is that standarized testing are next week, and although I don't really care, it does appear that we have more homework.

But I won't abandon this blog. I won't. Because I've already given up on too many things, and plus I really enjoy sharing music, and I'm sure you all enjoy listening to this music...right?



I like it when you talk to me
Listen, love, buy.
MP3s don't last forever.

songs + words

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